Are you tired of your print costs continuously increasing?
We can help. Our Cloud Print Management solution will reduce your IT cost burden allowing you to do more with less.
Stuck with an A3 Multi-function device in the office & your team is working from home?
Cloud Print will allow you to extend your investment without extending your costs, ensuring your “at home” workforce still have access to reliable and durable products.
Is there pressure on your budgets? Need to do more with less?
Cloud Print allows you to scan over 90 pages per minute from your desktop, using simple devices that easily link up with Cloud and Mobile connectivity.
Move print to the cloud for less than $1 a day. Eliminate unwanted print servers and save money.
SMART devices can improve your document processes, simple integration into your existing business systems.

- Simplify Fast and Powerful print devices.
- Here for the future, all products feature a solid metal frame. Built to last reliability
- A4 desktop for your office or home office.
- Move print the cloud just a single cost per month. Eliminate unwanted print servers, Save money.
- Cloud Printing allows you to print anything, anywhere, from any device including Chromebooks, iOS, and Android.

See Cloud Print Management in action…
Want more info, read our Cloud Print Management eBook